Moving clients from out of the country can be tricky but we make it a smooth transition by assisting with showings through WhatsApp and FaceTime, assisting with school selection, managing the inspection process and even arranging to have furniture in the home and the yard and pool maintenance set up before the family arrives. We are so grateful for our clients' trust in us to get them to Dallas and begin their new life in the USA!
#KeyTeamDallas #DFWRealtor #Sold #JustSold #ClosingDay #DreamHome #LuxuryLeader #AgentsOfAllieBeth #RealEstateExperts #RelocationExpert #FirstTimeHomeBuyer #EmptyNesters #DBest2022 #DallasRealProducer #NorthwoodHills #PrestonHollow #ParkCities #WeSellDallas #DallasRealEstate #DallasRealtor #BuyingAndSellingDallas #DFWRealEstate Allie Beth Allman & Associates Lauren Umansky Savariego Julie Golding Haymann